
martes, 11 de diciembre de 2012

Special Issue "Mallorca: a Mediterranean Benchmark for Quaternary Studies"

Today I share an Special Issue edited by Societat d'Història Natural de les Balears which deals about the new approaches of Quaternary studies in Mallorca (Balearic Islands, Spain). Its contents are structured in 6 chapters written by different authors. It is an interesting book which contributes to better understanding the Quaternary importance on the Balearic Islands, furthermore to increase the knowledge about this interesting topic.

It compiles and updates a number of key topics (i.e., beaches, eolinites, paleontology, phreatic overgrowths on speleothems, etc.) and is designed to reflect the current state of knowledge of Quaternary geology and sea-level changes in Mallorca, integrating classicla descriptions with the new more detailed perspectives developed over the past decades.

Direct link:

Ginés, A., Ginés, J., Gómez-Pujol, L., Onac, B.P., Fornós, J.J. (2012). "Mallorca: a Mediterranean Benchmark for Quaternary Studies". Monog. Soc. Hist. Nat. Balears, 18: 219 pp. 

Miquel Mir Gual

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